Taking good care of your child’s skin is so important. Choosing the best products and having the right routine can make all the difference. In this post, learn about the sensitive skincare routine I use for my daughter that keeps her skin healthy and hydrated.

This post is featuring Babo Botanicals. However, they DID NOT sponsor this post. I just chose to rave about them on my own because that is how much I love them!
1. Choose the Best Products
Even before my daughter Lily was born, I had decided to use only natural baby products. You can read the reason why here. Unfortunately, not all-natural products are as great as they claim. Having been very new to the world of everything baby I assumed that any product or brand that said it was all-natural would be telling the truth. They wouldn’t lie to me about something I was going to use for my baby, right?!
There are so many so-called “natural” baby products on the market that contain toxic chemicals or just some not-so-great ingredients. That’s why it’s so important to do your research, read the ingredient labels, and decide for yourself if it’s a good choice or not.

There is no such thing as a perfect product but there are products that come pretty close. You just have to find them.
Natural products aside, sometimes certain babies will just have more sensitive skin than others no matter what products they use. If that is the case, it might take a little trial and error to find the perfect combination of products that work best for your child’s skin type.
I went through quite a few natural baby brands before I found the brand that was the best for my child’s specific skin.
Quickly after Lily was born I noticed her skin was highly sensitive. The slightest rub or scrape would cause her skin to get very red and irritated. Then, at around 10 weeks old I also noticed she had developed small little bumps all over her body. It wasn’t anything too alarming but it seemed like some kind of small rash. I was using a combination of two different natural baby brands at the time.
I was so confident that it couldn’t be the wonderful natural products I was using, it took me some time to realize that those products could actually be doing harm and causing the rash.

After doing some research, I found out that both of the brands I was using contained some sneaky ingredients and maybe weren’t as pure as they claimed to be. So I thought I would it would be worth it to switch over to a new brand and see if that made any difference in the condition of Lily’s skin.
That is when I found Babo Botanicals!
I found out about Babo Botanicals on one of my favorite websites called Gimme the Good Stuff. I chose to try Babo Botanicals out of the few “Good Stuff” products that were listed because they were affordable and I liked the list of ingredients. I started using the Moisturizing Baby Shampoo and Wash and Moisturizing Baby Lotion and completely eliminated all other products I had previously been using on Lily.
I am not exaggerating when I say that within two days the bumps on her skin were completely gone!
I was so amazed at how quickly the bumps went away that I almost didn’t believe it was solely because I switched to Babo Botanicals. However, whenever I do have to use a different soap or lotion for whatever reason (For example, visiting family and forgetting our Babo) Lily’s skin will completely freak out. All I have to do is go back to using Babo and a day or so later her skin will be back to normal.

I do want to say that just because Babo Botanicals works great for Lily’s highly sensitive skin doesn’t mean that it’s the only brand that works for all babies.
There are lots of amazing natural baby brands on the market and you really have to find what works best for your baby. Babo Botanicals is just a REALLY GOOD option!

2. Create the Right Routine
Besides finding the perfect products, one of the best ways to keep your baby’s sensitive skin healthy is having the right routine. Below are my 3 tips for making sure you create a routine that doesn’t overdry or irritate your baby’s skin.

1. Skip the bath sometimes
Personally, because I am slightly OCD and cleanliness is always on the top of my mind, this was a hard one for me to implement. However, it’s also my number one tip for keeping your baby’s skin healthy.
Skip giving your baby a bath as often as you can to avoid over-drying their delicate skin.
As your baby gets older and they start to change the amount of bathing they will need will obviously change as well. For example, a newborn will go to and from a parent’s arms, from a swing to a bouncer, etc and not get dirty. Whereas a toddler is crawling all over dirty floors and getting into everything. That’s an just an example, but you get the point. The age of your baby will dictate their actual NEED for a bath.
This was the approximate bathing schedule I had for Lily:
- 0-5 months: Every 2-3 days
- 6-9 months: Every other day
- 10 months-now (15 mo.): Every day
Obviously, that’s just an approximation and with Lily’s frequent blowouts we did have to add some extra baths in there every so often.
I think the general rule here would be to just be aware that babies don’t really get very dirty throughout the day and giving them unnecessary baths can dry out their skin. As babies start walking and getting up close and personal with floors and outside dirt, etc then they will most likely need to bathe more frequently.

2. Skip the soap sometimes
One of the reasons Lily bathes every day is because we have no other choice. When she was younger and did not crawl or walk yet I would keep her in her bouncer when I showered. She would happily sit there in the bathroom with me and bounce or nap while I showered. Then, when it was her day to bathe I would take her in the shower with me. It worked so well that way!
Then, she started crawling, discovered her independence, and no longer appreciated being stuck in her bouncer while I showered. She learned how to sit up and tip herself over so it actually became a safety hazard to keep putting her in there. So unless one of my family members happened to be around to watch her while I took a shower, she had to come in with me so I could keep an eye on her.
Long story short, I had to figure out a way to make sure her skin wasn’t becoming too dry from showering more than she really needed. So, I just skipped the soap!
Just because she was in the shower with me didn’t mean I had to wash her body with soap. She would sit in her little shower chair and play with a washcloth just slightly getting wet. Then every other day or every two days I would give her a good soapy scrub.
Do you know how they tell you it’s not healthy for your hair to wash it every day? Well, just think of your baby’s skin that way. If you are in a similar situation where you have to bathe your child every day or just feel like you need to bathe your child every day, think about skipping the soap and just washing your child with water.

3. Never skip the lotion
My third tip is to be consistent and never skip putting lotion on your baby or toddler. This means you need to put lotion on your child at least once a day whether or not they bathed or used soap.
As a matter of fact, between the ages of 0 to 6 months, I highly recommend applying lotion all over your baby’s body TWICE a day.
When Lily was younger I used to put lotion all over her body every morning after we woke up or showered and every night before bed. This kept her skin nice and moisturized. It really helped during those first 4-6 weeks when that tiny layer of newborn skin started peeling off. I wanted to make sure the fresh new layer of skin was staying as moisturized and protected as possible.
Around 6 months old, when Lily’s skin started to toughen up a bit, I stopped applying lotion every night. I still make sure to always apply lotion all over her body once a day, usually in the morning before I get her dressed. Also, don’t be afraid to re-apply some lotion throughout the day if needed! Like after the pool or beach, etc. I feel like there is really no such thing as too much lotion!

Lily’s Sensitive Skin Care Routine
(This is her current routine at 15-months-old)
- Shower with Mama every day
- Use Babo Botanicals Sensitive Baby Shampoo and Wash every other day
- Use Babo Botanicals Moisturizing Baby Lotion or Babo Botanicals Sensitive Baby Daily Hydra Lotion every day after shower
- Apply extra lotion throughout the day as needed!

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