In this post, you’ll learn how to create a morning routine for moms that is more peaceful and productive, using just 6 simple steps.
How you start your morning sets the vibe for your whole day. If you wake up late, lounge around in your pajamas, and head straight into taking care of the kids, before you know it the day is almost over and you got nothing accomplished. Sluggish mornings equal sluggish days. Having a peaceful and productive morning routine will ensure that you can make the most out of your day with as little stress, chaos, and overwhelm as possible.
According to Benjamin Stall, author of My Morning Routine: How Successful People Start Every Day Inspired:
When you have a positive morning in which you’re spending your first few hours (or first few minutes, depending on how long you have) doing things that you already decided in advance you really want to do, you’re starting your morning with intention. When your start your morning with intention you can bring your morning “wins” with you into the rest of the day. (source)
What are the benefits of having a morning routine?
Being a mother is a 24/7 job. Whether you’re a working mom or a stay-at-home mom, you never really get time off. Having some peace and quiet and time for yourself is really important in order to preserve your sanity.
One of the benefits of having a morning routine as a mom is having designated “me time” before the day gets away from you. A guaranteed hour of your day that’s calm, quiet, and uninterrupted by kiddos. When you don’t give yourself enough time alone to decompress and focus on your own needs, you can start to resent your children.
GASP! Did I just say resent? Yes, I did. If you’re a mom then I know you’ve been there before. You haven’t had any time to yourself, you have kids hanging off of your body for most of the day, they’re always wanting something from you, and because you haven’t had a chance to recharge, you have nothing left to give. You find yourself feeling agitated and annoyed by your children and that’s the last thing you want to feel. So then you feel super guilty and it’s just a vicious cycle.
Carving out time in the morning is great because we know our children are warm and cozy in their beds and we can really relax without worrying about them. We can have time to do the things that are important for our self-care and recharge.
What are some general tips for morning routines?
1. Avoid technology
Don’t waste your precious alone time in the morning scrolling Instagram or TikTok. Your morning routine should emphasize focusing inward, not outward. However, if you find joy in checking social media or watching your favorite show, then save it for the end of your routine. Just make sure to place priority on the inner work first.
2. Use trial and error
Use trial and error to find what works best for you. I am still in the process of perfecting my morning routine. It’s all about figuring out what works best for you and your lifestyle. Make a list of your non-negotiable’s, and things you really want to do, and figure out the best way to make it happen. Don’t feel like your morning routine has to fit into some kind of mold.
3. Wake up at the same time every day
Yes, every day. Even on the weekends. Studies show that waking up every day at the same time stabilizes your circadian rhythm which improves digestion, concentration, productivity, and emotional stability. Waking up at different times every day is apparently like giving yourself jet lag.
4. Wake up before your kids
From everything I have already said, this one is probably obvious by now. In order to have the most peaceful and productive morning, you have to wake up before your kids, even if it’s just 30 minutes earlier.
6 steps to a more peaceful and productive morning routine for moms
Step 1: Wake up early
Choose what time you need to get up in order to be up for 30 minutes to 1 hour before your children. For me, I like to wake up at 7 am so I have at least an hour before my daughter wakes up. Waking up early is not easy, especially if you have a night owl child like I do and don’t get to bed early enough. But there are a few things you can do to make waking up easy a little bit easier:
Set your intention the night before
I like to use the nighttime script Hal Elrod provides in his book The Miracle Morning. It’s basically just telling yourself what’s going to happen in the morning so your mind is prepared. It totally works! For example, one time I set my intention that I was going to wake up at 5 am. The next morning, I shot up out of bed and looked at the clock and it was exactly 5 am. I later realized that I never even set my alarm. Intentions are powerful.
Know your why
Part of Hal Elrod’s nighttime script is reminding yourself why you want to get up early. Knowing why you want to have a better morning routine is a great motivator. Remind yourself that waking up early is going to help you become the person you want to be so you can create the life you want to have. Think of something you want really badly and remind yourself that waking up early is the first step toward getting it.
Turn the lights on
In order to shut down our body’s production of melatonin, the sleep hormone, our body needs to be exposed to bright light. If you’re having trouble waking up, try turning on some more lights. Just don’t wake the babies!
Drink water
Another tidbit of genius information I learned from The Miracle Morning is that dehydration makes you feel sluggish. One of the reasons you feel so exhausted when you first wake up is because you haven’t consumed water all night. Immediately after you wake up have a glass of water, or keep a water bottle by your bed, and drink the whole thing. I swear by this. It really helps wake me up.
Step 2: Meditate
The first thing I like to do after I wake up is mediate. Sometimes I even just sit up in bed and do my meditation there. Meditation is scientifically proven to reduce stress, control anxiety, lengthen your attention span, and do so many other incredible things.
Some of the most successful, wealthy, powerful people in the world swear by adding meditation to their morning routine. They say it helps them stay mindful, focused, energized, and inspired. If people like Oprah and Arianna Huffington credit meditation as a big part of their success and happiness, I think it is worth giving it a try.
Learn more about how to start meditation and why it’s amazing for moms here!
Step 3: Write in your journal
Keeping a journal gives you an opportunity to have a reflective moment with your thoughts. Whether you’re writing down what you did the day before, how you’re feeling, what you’re grateful for, your goals, or just a stream of consciousness, journaling gives you a chance to organize your thoughts.
I like to think of my journal as a reminder of what’s good in my life and what I still want to create. Every day I like to list a few things I’m grateful for, my intentions for the day, goals I’m working toward, or just random thoughts. I find that in the chaos of everyday life, it’s nice to remember the point of it all, why it is that I’m working my butt off day after day, and all the amazing things I already have to be thankful for.
Step 4: Do some energy work
This can be one of the most powerful parts of your morning routine and truly make you feel amazing. Even though there is scientific evidence to back up all the information I’m about to share, this might be a bit “woo woo” for some, so if that’s not your thing, just skip to the next step.
There are two things I like to do in the morning to make sure my energy is really flowing: Tapping or EFT and the Donna Eden Daily Energy Routine. Doing energy work like this has been known to help with depression, anxiety, pain, emotional trauma, and more.
Tapping, or the Emotional Freedom Technique, is an alternative treatment for physical pain and emotional distress. It is psychological acupressure that uses tapping and affirmations to clear the energy meridians of the body. You take your figures and tap on certain pressure points while reciting specific statements. You can basically “tap” on anything from money blocks to back pain. It’s a bit complicated, so I won’t go into too much detail, but I encourage you to look into it more and possibly add it to your morning routine. Tapping makes me feel amazing. I always feel lighter and more energized after a few rounds of tapping.
Donna Eden Daily Energy Routine
Donna Eden is an energy healer who practices energy medicine. I just recently discovered her and fell in love with her teachings. According to her partner, David Feinstein Ph.D., “ Energy medicine, at its foundation, focuses on the energy fields of the body that organize and control the growth and repair of cells, tissue, and organs. Changing impaired energy patterns may be the most efficient, least invasive way to improve the vitality of organs, cells, and psyche.” One of the easiest ways to add energy medicine into your life is to do Donna’s Daily Energy Routine every morning. I love doing it! If anything, it really wakes up my body!
Step 5: Move your body
We all know how important it is to make exercise a regular part of our lives. Well, that’s easier said than done, especially when you’re a busy mom. The best way to guarantee you get in a good workout is to do it first thing in the morning. Even just doing 20 minutes of exercise in the morning is better than not doing anything at all.
I don’t want you to get scared. Sometimes the word exercise can scare people away. I am pretty out of shape, and to be completely honest, I’m not a fan of working out. So I get it! Still, we really do need to get our bodies moving if we want to truly be healthy. However, there are no rules here! Find any way to get your body moving in the morning that you feel comfortable with — stretching, yoga, walking, biking, treadmill — whatever you can do to get your body going. You can always work your way up to something more intense.
Step 6: Set your intentions for the day
The final step in creating a productive and peaceful morning routine is to set your intentions for the day. Basically, make your to-do list. However, I think there is a slight difference between making a to-do list and writing down your intentions – the level of pressure they make you feel.
When I make a to-do list I feel like that list follows me around all day pressuring me to keep going, going, going. If I don’t check off as many things on that list as possible, I feel like I failed. When I set my intentions for the day, it just feels lighter. It’s things I’d like to have
Try setting your intentions for the day instead of making a to-do list and see if you notice a difference in the level of pressure and overwhelm you feel. If you don’t notice a difference, that’s okay too! Taking a moment every morning to get clear on what you want to accomplish for the day is what’s most important.
A morning routine for personal growth
You may have noticed that none of those steps involved making breakfast, getting your kids ready, having a cup of coffee, showering, etc. This is a morning routine focused on your own personal growth. It is guaranteeing that you have time each day to reconnect with yourself, your dreams, and your goals. It’s going to make sure your mind, body, and soul are in alignment, which will make you ready to take on the day full of motivation and energy. After that’s all taken care of, then you can go have a cup of coffee and get the kids ready for school.
In conclusion
Having alone time in the morning is so important for moms in order to decompress and refill our cups so we can be better for our children. Use the six steps above as a guide to creating your own perfect morning routine. Just remember, it’s all about what works best for you. Feel free to add or subtract steps to make your morning routine as peaceful and productive as it can be for YOU.
What’s your favorite “me time” activity? Share in the comments below!

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