In this post, you’ll discover 73 positive affirmations for moms and how to use them so you feel encouraged and inspired through the overwhelming moments of motherhood.
You haven’t left the house in two days.
Your child is screaming as they make the room you just cleaned into an indoor playground.
It’s 2 pm and all you’ve eaten is some toast and the yogurt your toddler didn’t finish for breakfast.
You’re on the phone trying to make a doctor’s appointment when your child starts pulling on your shirt and whining because they decided they need your undivided attention at this very moment.
You remember that you put a load of laundry in the washer hours ago and now you have to restart the wash so your clothes don’t smell moldy.
You finally get a moment to go pee and your toddler lets you know it’s time to go “nigh nigh” after resisting it all day and if you walk into that bathroom a meltdown will ensue.
On the way to the bedroom for nap time you step on a lego and you can feel it…
You’re about to burst. But a break is on the horizon, so you take a deep breath and hold it together.
Those little eyelids start drooping and you’re about to get that 2-hour midday moment of peace when the mailman throws a package at the door, the dogs start barking, and little eyes flash open wide.
That’s it. The final straw.
Get ready for a full-on Mama explosion!

Motherhood is anything but easy
That scenario above is more than just a story about an overwhelmed mom. It was my day yesterday. And a few days before that and a few days before that. Not exactly the same, but VERY similar. Can you relate?
Have you ever had one of those days where you feel like you’re running on a hamster wheel while people are throwing smelly tomatoes at you, you’re exhausted, can’t see straight and all you want to do is sit down for a second a take a deep breath or even just go pee, but that break is nowhere in sight?
If you answered yes, you are not alone.
Motherhood is hard.
Anyone who says otherwise is obviously not a mother. Motherhood is difficult for so many different reasons.
Those reasons can change day to day or from person to person, but the bottom line is — no matter how many children you have or what your circumstances may be, being a mother is really stinking hard.
Learn the 15 habits every new mom should develop here.
Don’t let mom guilt rear it’s ugly head again
Even as I type the words, “Motherhood is hard” I feel a sense of guilt.
Like feeling exhausted and overwhelmed somehow means I don’t love being a mom or love my child, or that I’m weak. Which I obviously know is not true!
So I am just going to call out the guilt I feel and you might feel as well, so we can just move forward on a positive note together.
We don’t have to feel guilty for admitting that sometimes motherhood is hard. Admitting that it can be challenging doesn’t mean we love it or our children any less. It just means we are human.
I’m telling this to myself as I type this and to you, as you read this — do not feel guilty for feeling overwhelmed by motherhood whether it’s every day or every once in a while!

Enjoying Motherhood is a Choice
Although feeling overwhelmed by motherhood is completely normal, it doesn’t have to be OUR normal.
Enjoying motherhood is a choice.
It’s a choice we can make every single second of every single day. We don’t have to spend our days feeling drained and discouraged.
Sometimes all it takes is a shift in perspective and more encouraging self-talk.
Think about some of the things you say to yourself throughout the day. What does that internal dialogue sound like and how does it make you feel?
Let me share some inner thoughts I’ve had just today as an example:
“It’s so not fair that everyone else gets to relax while I’m running around like a crazy person.”
“I can’t believe I just gave my child a third lollipop. I am the worst mom ever.”
“If I discipline my child right now, she’s going to hate me forever.”
“Why does every other mom seem to have it all together and I feel like I’m totally failing over here.”
Those thoughts I had circulating in my mind were not happy or encouraging thoughts.
As a result, they affected my mood and my entire day in a negative way. Because no matter what we say to ourselves, whether it’s true or not, we believe it.
Luckily, we are in control of our thoughts and we have the power to change them. Better yet, we have the power to change our thoughts and then choose to believe them!
Filling your mind with positive, encouraging thoughts and messages is extremely powerful.
I have personally experienced how repeating a positive thought in my mind or out loud can turn my entire day around and even influence what actions I take.
These repeated encouraging thoughts are called positive affirmations and they are transformative!
What are positive affirmations?
I’m pretty sure you’ve heard of positive affirmations before, but just in case you haven’t I will give you a basic overview:
Positive affirmations are statements you say out loud or to yourself that are uplifting and encouraging.
The subject of these statements can be anything you wish to affirm as the truth about yourself or a situation. They are repeated multiple times daily until you start to truly believe them.
A simple example is if you are feeling fearful you could use the positive affirmation, “I am brave.” Just saying the words and feeling the emotions behind it can have an instant positive effect.
You are replacing your negative thoughts of fear, which naturally make you more fearful, with a more encouraging thought to get you out of the negative mindset and move you forward.
Do positive affirmations really work?
There are many differing opinions on whether or not affirmations actually work or if they are just a load of woo-woo hippie crap.
The truth is if you honestly believe they are a load of crap – they will be.
On the other hand, if you believe they work and you put emotion behind the words you are saying, a positive affirmation can be an incredibly powerful tool to use when you are feeling overwhelmed and stuck in a negative cycle of thoughts.

How do you use positive affirmations?
Everyone can benefit from using affirmations and they can be about any topic.
I have affirmations taped on my wall with topics ranging from happiness to wellness. I decided to focus this post specifically on affirmations that relate directly to issues that may arise for mothers and show you how to effectively use them, even when you’re feeling caught up in your daily routines and drowning in overwhelm.
Below are 5 things that will help you get the most out of your positive affirmations:
1. Choose positive affirmations that resonate with you
When you are looking through the positive affirmations for moms in the list below, be on the lookout for affirmations that genuinely resonate with you.
In order for affirmations to be effective, they need to be emotionally charged and relevant. If you read an affirmation and you feel neutral or unaffected, that’s not the right affirmation for you.
When I choose or write my affirmations, I really try to tune into how I’m feeling as I read them. I want to feel like they’re speaking directly to me and really hitting a chord.
If I feel inspired, energized, or empowered after reading an affirmation, then I know that one is a good one for me.
2. Write your affirmations out on paper
Another thing I think you should do is write down your affirmations.
Not on your phone or on a computer, but with a good old fashioned piece of paper and a pen. There’s something about physically writing out affirmations that have a therapeutic effect.
As you write them out you’re repeating the words in your head, you’re seeing the words in your own handwriting, and you’re feeling the words as your pen hits the paper.
It’s like writing out your affirmations is breathing life into them and giving them energy.
3. Say them with feeling and emotion
If you do any research on positive affirmations there’s one thing you’ll hear over and over and over again: You have to feel what you are saying or positive affirmations are basically pointless!
Positive affirmations are all about taking the negative self-talk that is causing you to feel stressed or overwhelmed and replacing those thoughts with more uplifting, self-respecting thoughts.
There has to be feeling and emotion behind every word you say in order for them to live up to their full potential. That’s why it’s so important to choose affirmations that naturally stir up some passion within you as I talked about in tip number one.
4. Focus on only a few affirmations at a time
Since our goal here in using affirmations as moms is to eliminate overwhelm, try not to overwhelm yourself with positive affirmations.
Choose a few affirmations at a time, maybe 3-4, and put all your focus on those for the month. Or maybe choose one affirmation to hone in on each week.
5. Practice them daily
Affirmations are only going to have the power to change your mindset if you use them consistently. This means you have to practice them daily!
Now, I know this is hard as a mom. I just got finished talking about how moms barely have enough time to pee, yet I’m asking you to make time for positive affirmations?!
One of the easiest ways to feel overwhelmed by motherhood is to forget to fill our tanks and expect to keep running smoothly while on empty.
We all know the importance of self-care as mothers, yet we still tend to put our own mental and emotional health on the back burner. We can not expect to enjoy motherhood or our children for that matter if we are mentally and emotionally depleted.
All that being said, if we want to reap the benefits of positive affirmations, we have to take the time to practice them.
How do you find time for practicing affirmations?
- Wake up early – After reading The Miracle Morning, I found the best time to practice affirmations is in the morning before my daughter wakes up. Even waking up just 10 minutes before your children will allow you time to practice your affirmations.
- Practice them in the moment – Reciting your affirmations in the very moment you need them is the best time to practice them. For example, when your child is not listening and you feel yourself about to yell, step away from the situation, close your eyes, take a deep breath and say “I am not here to control my child, only gently and lovingly guide them.” Affirmations at their core are just there to remind us of the truth. Sometimes the solution to the conflict is just a gentle reminder of what really matters.
- Recite them before bed – Another great time to practice affirmations is right before you go to bed. Your children will most likely be sleeping and you’ll have a moment of quiet to really focus and recite your affirmations with feeling. Plus, filling your mind with positive, loving thoughts right before bed just feels good and can help you recharge after whatever events happened during the day.
Discover Self-Care Tips for Moms: That Make You a Better Mother!
Okay onto the good stuff

75 Positive Affirmations to Liberate Moms Who Feel Overwhelmed
- I am the exact mother my children need to blossom, so I do not need to compare myself to other mothers.
- In the eyes, mind, and heart of my child, I am a good mom.
- Today I will find peace in being good enough because perfection is impossible.
- Everything I do serves a purpose for my family.
- Taking care of myself makes me a better mom because I parent from abundance, not from lack thereof.
- I give myself permission to do something to nurture me.
- I am the best mom for my children.
- I am the calm in the chaos.
- I am grateful for the time I have with my kids today.
- Just as the needs of my children matter, so do my own.
- I trust my intuition to make intentional parenting choices and decisions.
- I am brave and courageous for trying even when I think I can’t do it.
- My family appreciates and loves me, even when they forget to tell me so.
- I will do my best as a mom, and that will always be enough.
- Motherhood is not made up of one success or failure, but rather by the sum of my parenting choices.
- I accept where I am in life and will make the most of today.
- I am doing the best I can.
- The right decisions are coming to me easily now.
- I release the need for perfection.
- I choose to be calm and centered, regardless of the situation.
- I forgive myself for being an imperfect parent. Today I will let go of the guilt weighing on my shoulders.
- Giving my child time and attention is more important than giving them material things.
- I am what my child needs. Worrying about what others think only distracts me from being the parent I need to be.
- Today I will love fiercely, laugh freely and live courageously. I can never get today back.
- One bad day does not make me a bad mom, only human.
- I will push through challenges so that my struggles today will become my strengths tomorrow.
- A successful relationship with my child is not defined by what we have but by the time we spent together.
- I will let go of how I think today is supposed to go and accept how it imperfectly happens.
- It’s okay to take care of myself and my needs too.
- It’s okay to ask for help.
- The time I am investing in my children matters.
- My children do not need me to be perfect; they just need me.
- I will treasure my children as the unique individuals they are.
- Our home is a safe and peaceful haven.
- Everything is working out for my highest good.
- I am more than enough.
- I am lovable and deeply loved.
- Loving my children is more important than loving every moment of motherhood.
- I am a good mom, even as I work to become a better one.
- I take care of my body, mind, and soul.
- I trust my intuition to guide me in the right direction at all times.
- I love and accept myself exactly as I am.
- I am never in a rush; my timing is perfect.
- I am grateful for the abundance in my life.
- My life is beautiful.
- I breathe and relax knowing the universe supports me.
- I am powerful and strong.
- Only good lies before me.
- I am tuned in to my needs and prioritize self-care.
- I make time for the things I enjoy.
- Taking care of myself is a responsibility I will model to my children without guilt.
- Establishing personal boundaries and sticking to them helps me remember that I am important too.
- I am becoming the best version of myself.
- I am perfectly healthy in body, mind, and spirit.
- All my needs are met with ease.
- Today I am strong and healthy.
- I choose carefully what goes onto my calendar.
- I release the need to dwell on bad feelings.
- This too shall pass.
- I am worthy of love and admiration.
- I take exquisite care of myself.
- I am a brilliant, beautiful woman.
- One task at a time is enough.
- I draw on the support that surrounds me, in whatever form.
- Peace and joy are filling my life.
- I love being a mom.
- I will do what I can and nobody expects me to do it all.
- I exude strength, grace, and flexibility.
- Today I allow time for self-care and rejuvenation.
- Today I choose joy.
- I can communicate my needs and feelings.
- There is peace and love in my home, even in the midst of chaos.
- I do not need to control my children, only gently and lovingly guide them.
In summary
Enjoying motherhood is a choice you have to make every single day.
Positive affirmations can be your guiding post and a constant reminder of that choice. They can help keep you on the path of parenting from abundance and not lack thereof.
They can help change those negative thoughts from constantly swirling around your mind and making you feel like crap to positive thoughts that fuel you to think better, act better, and feel better.
Let’s teach those beautiful little humans we are guiding by example and think happy thoughts!

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