I want to first start off by saying, everyone is different. There is more than one right way to raise a child. I have one very young baby, so obviously I’m a parenting expert. Ha! Just kidding. I am definitely no expert. But I do know everyone has to do what’s best for them and their family.
In this post, I am going to explain why I chose to co-sleep and why I love it. What I am definitely not doing is condemning anyone who chooses not to co-sleep. I am just sharing something that has been a very positive and wonderful experience for me. And maybe it could be for you, too!
I am leaving out the scientific reasons why you should or shouldn’t co-sleep. Not that safety doesn’t matter! It definitely does, but for this post, I’ll stick to a less clinical tone and just share my firsthand experience!
Why did I choose to co-sleep and why do I love it?
1. I had no other choice.
Well, I guess technically I did. But there were no other options I liked! Since I’m currently living with my parents, it’s not like we had an extra room for my new little addition to have all to herself. As a result, I didn’t just gain a child, I gained a new roommate!
My options were to cram a crib awkwardly in my room or put a co-sleeper on my bed. None of my siblings nor I ever used a crib. We just never used them in my family, so a no-crib mentality was ingrained in me. Anyway, I chose to use a co-sleeper. Then I brought Lily home, put her in that wonderful co-sleepe,r and took her right out! This brings me to reason number two.
2. I needed to have my baby as close to me as possible.
When I was pregnant I was 100% sure I was going to co-sleep with the co-sleeper that I could put next to me on my bed. I knew there was no way I could sleep with a tiny new baby so close with no protection between us. I was scared I would hurt her and thought the co-sleeper was the perfect solution.
Fast forward to my first night with Lily after we got home from the hospital. I put her in the co-sleeper and laid down next to it. But I couldn’t see her, even through the mesh sides. I also couldn’t touch her over the side without my arm going numb. Add that to the fact that she was having some choking episodes and I was constantly a nervous wreck! I couldn’t take my eyes off of her for more than 2 seconds without checking to make sure she was still breathing.
I took her out of the co-sleeper and nestled her next to me. We woke up a couple of hours later for a feeding and I was in the same position as when I fell asleep. I fed her and went back to sleep, only to wake up in the same position again! It’s like my body could instinctively sense her presence beside me. And the rest is history. We have slept like that every night since only to wake up for feedings.

3. Co-sleeping is very convenient when breastfeeding.
I am sure if I had used the co-sleeper on the bed then nursing would have been just as convenient. That is one thing that is not very different from using the co-sleeper on the bed or straight bed-sharing as I do now.
Still, being able to just pick Lily up when I need to feed her is great. I can stay comfy in my bed and not have to get up to retrieve her from a crib or worse from another room. And that might just be me being lazy. But let’s be honest guys! Having a newborn or even an older infant is exhausting. We have to get as much rest as humanly possible. Co-sleeping paired with nursing is a wonderful way to get those extra few moments of rest.
4. I love all the baby snuggles.
Is there anything better than baby cuddles? Personally, I am a very hands-on mother. Literally. I never like to put Lily down if I don’t have to. I think I wear my baby more than I wear shoes. If she is not on my body, it’s probably because I’m peeing or in the shower. I know she won’t always be okay with this and very quickly she will want her independence, so I am soaking it up while I can!
Co-sleeping is just another opportunity for me to be close to my baby girl. I honestly feel like having her in my bed with me every night has created such a deep bond between us. I love going to bed with her right by my side and waking up to her cute little baby talk and smiles. I cherish those moments every day.
So there it is!
Why I chose co-sleep and why I love it! If you love co-sleeping as much as I do, let me know in the comments below! Also, if you don’t agree with/like co-sleeping let me know! I love hearing different opinions and other people’s experiences.
Another great blog! I personally LOVE co-sleeping. I used to love when she would wake up in the middle of the night to “talk”. She loved to just babble and I would soak it up! Another positive for single parenting lol.
Can’t wait to read tomorrow!
Thanks for so much honesty. Its amazing the number of people I know who pretend their kids sleep in their own beds every night by themselves.
I love the idea of co-sleeping, although in Belgium every official office/every hospital, is against it. But it’s the only way, me and my baby sleep well. Like I read in your blog I could always hear him make choking noises and couldn’t get a minute of rest. The only thing that worries me is how you stop co-sleeping once they’re old enough? Do they transition well to suddenly sleeping alone? I have an 8 weeks old son and I love having him in my arms at every chance I get. I hate people always telling me that I’m spoiling him.