Learn 8 fun and interactive ways to entertain your baby that are super simple and will keep them happy for hours!
Once your baby starts to grow out of the newborn cycle of eating, sleeping, pooping, and repeating, you will find a new need emerge – they need to be entertained! As your baby gets older and the time between feedings and naps grows longer, you will find that you suddenly have two sweet little eyes looking to you for entertainment.
I decided to make a list of activities that I personally do with my daughter Lily almost every day, just in case any mamas out there needed some ideas.
Now obviously every baby is different and what entertains my little one might not phase yours at all. Still, maybe this list could be a good jumping-off point. Hopefully, it’s helpful in a moment of need when you have a cranky or crying baby and you need a moment of solace!

Learn 8 ways to entertain your baby below!
1. Sing songs
No matter how awful and annoying I think my voice is Lily must think I sound like Beyonce because she loves when I sing to her. I literally cycle through 6 songs over and over. It goes something like Itsy Bitsy Spider, ABC’s, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, the Black Sheep one, Patty Cake..oh, and a little Sound of Music for good measure. It entertains her for a good 10-15 minutes. What she loves, even more, is when I use hand gestures. If you need to distract a cranky baby, the Itsy Bitsy Spider accompanied by some jazz hands could definitely do the trick!
2. Play music
If you don’t feel like singing yourself, you could put on some tunes. This is my go-to baby entertainment solution when I need to entertain Lily while I’m doing something else. I swear, Lily will be so fussy but as soon as I put on a little Ed Sheeran, she’s so happy. I think babies just innately love music. My child prefers pop music to kiddy songs (unless I’m singing them), but try out some different music and see what your baby responds to.
3. Dance
I danced from age 2 to 18, so to me dance is always a good entertainment solution. Now the kind of dancing I do with Lily is a bit different than the kind of dancing I did growing up, but it works just the same. I put on a good song, pick her up, and prance around. She loves it! She loves when I stand up and hold her and she loves music, so dancing is the perfect combination of both. I promise it will entertain your babe for at least 5 minutes.
4. Play in the mirror
Babies love looking at themselves in the mirror. I honestly think it’s because they don’t realize it’s them in the reflection yet and they think they’ve made a new friend. But whatever the reason, playing in the mirror is very entertaining to them. Try it! Make funny faces or just let them stare at themselves. It might just be the solution you’re looking for to cure your fussy baby.
5. Do tummy Time
I am pretty sure doing tummy time is recommended for developmental reasons anyway, but it’s also very entertaining for a baby. I think it’s because they are so distracted trying to hold their heads up that they forget they were cranky. This usually only works for about 10 minutes for Lily. She’s pretty lazy and get’s tired quickly. Like mother, like daughter. Haha! Still, it’s a good momentary distraction and it frees up my hands if I have something I need to do.
6. Go for a walk
Going for walk is good for entertainment and good for some fresh air. Sometimes I go for a real walk, like put her in the stroller and go to the park, or go get the mail, etc. Or sometimes all it takes is picking her up and walking around the house. Lily is in my arms about 90% of the time, but if she is getting cranky all I have to do is stand up and walk around with her. If you have the time to actually put your baby in a stroller and go for a good walk outside, that’s the best option in my opinion.
7. Sit outside
Speaking of outside, one of the best ways to entertain a baby is to go outside. Lily loves sitting outside. She will just gaze up at the trees and sky so contently. And because sometimes I need a break, it’s great because I don’t have to stand up or walk. She is perfectly happy just sitting in my lap and looking around. It’s a great way to get your daily dose of vitamin D, too. Fresh air, vitamin D, and baby entertainment. Is there anything better?
8. Read a book
I saved this one for last because Lily does not really enjoy it when I read her books. I am not sure why. It’s so weird! But most babies love when you read books to them. It’s worked for every other baby I know, so I thought I would add it to the list just in case you hadn’t thought of it. Not that reading a book to a baby is an unheard-of genius idea. Just maybe you needed a reminder!
That’s it!
There are 8 fun and interactive ways to entertain your baby. I hope this list was helpful. Of course, not all Moms have the time to be “fun and interactive” all the time. Obviously, if you need to stick your baby in a swing once in and while, all the power to you! But if you do have the time and need to entertain your baby, I hope this list gives you a couple of good ideas.
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