Let me just start off by saying, I know what you’re thinking. Using breastmilk as face wash sounds a little weird. Trust me, that’s what I thought when I came across the idea of using breastmilk as a face wash. I mean, breastmilk is a bodily fluid. It comes out of my boobies. Why would I want to put it all over my face?
I first read about using breastmilk as a face wash in an article I randomly stumbled upon. The woman who wrote it said after using it for a while she saw a big difference in the quality of her skin. I was honestly not sure of the idea when I first read it.
However, my sister was suffering from a bout of acne at the time and I happened to have a very abundant supply of breastmilk. So, I thought maybe this could be the magical solution. In the article, the woman testing out the breastmilk uses her sister’s milk. I figured maybe it was a sign. I reluctantly suggested the idea to my sister and to my surprise she was quite willing to try it.
After trying it for a couple of days, she came to the conclusion that it was actually helping her skin. So I decided to try it out for myself. I took the manual breast pump into the shower with me and pumped away. Then I proceeded to pour the milk into my hand so I could wash my face with it. Now I am going to be super honest, I gagged. I don’t know why! The thought of putting breastmilk on my face made me so queasy for some reason. I had to talk myself into it. I told myself if I could let my daughter eat it, for goodness sake, I could put it on my darn face.
I used the breastmilk on my face and it was wonderful!
My first reaction was that I couldn’t believe how soft it made my skin feel, it felt truly hydrated. It had no funny smell. In fact, it was completely odorless. It didn’t sting or burn. The only con was that it was a lot more liquidy than anything I had ever washed my face with, but I couldn’t really find anything else negative about it. I have continued to use it ever since then.
I don’t use any other face wash but breastmilk once a day when I shower, followed by Babo Botanicals baby lotion that I steal from my daughter. As a result, I have noticed a big difference in my skin’s ability to regulate itself so it’s not too dry or too oily. If I do have a breakout (usually after wearing makeup, which I don’t do often) it clears itself up in a matter of days. Without me having to do anything special.
Coming from someone who has always had some amount of acne on my face, I’m happy to say I finally don’t have to focus on my skin at all. There is a reason people call this stuff liquid gold! And I am not the only one who thinks breastmilk for skincare is a great idea. There is even a spa that offers breastmilk facials.
Now, even though it worked for me, I may not have you convinced yet. So let me bring some science and reason into the equation to maybe win you over!

Here are 7 reasons why breastmilk is the best face wash:
1. Breastmilk is made of living cells.
Breastmilk contains something called Leukocytes, which are basically white blood cells that fight infection.[4] These white blood cells are made to help your baby build a healthy and strong immune system. Since acne is basically an overgrowth of bad bacteria, why not use a face wash made of living cells specially built and designed to fight infection? I don’t think you’ll find Leukocytes on the ingredient list of any face wash currently out on the market because white blood cells cannot be manufactured. That makes breastmilk truly incredible. One point for breastmilk!
2. Breastmilk is full of vitamins.
Breastmilk is the perfect multi-vitamin for your skin. It’s made to provide babies with all their nutritional needs. Breastmilk contains vitamins A, D, E, K, C, B6, B12, Folate, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, and Pantothenic Acid. [5] Vitamin A is known to reduce wrinkles and brown spots, Vitamin D can regulate skin tone, and Vitamin E neutralizes free radicals and helps skin maintain moisture. [6] Just to name a hand full of the benefits. There’s a reason cosmetic companies fill their products chock-full with vitamins. What’s wonderful about breastmilk is that the vitamins in it are naturally produced, unlike the vitamins in most common skincare products which are, generally, synthetically produced.
3. Breastmilk is antibacterial and antiseptic.
Apparently, it is widely known that breastmilk is naturally antibacterial and antiseptic. There are countless articles and essays out there praising breastmilk as a natural remedy for ear infections, sinus infections, cuts, etc. Breastmilk contains the antibody IgA, which helps prevent germs from forming as well as speed up healing. [7] If that wasn’t cool enough, breastmilk also contains a high amount of whey protein. Whey protein is known to have infection protection properties. [3] Many germs accumulate on your face throughout the day. Breastmilk is a natural germ-fighting liquid. Why wouldn’t I slather this stuff all over my face?
4. Breastmilk is high in lauric acid.
What is lauric acid you ask? Well, let me tell you. Lauric acid is a type of fat. The same type of fat that is found in coconut oil and shown to combat acne. In studies specifically designed to test the use of lauric acid as a treatment for acne, scientists found there to be no negative side effects. Because lauric acid is completely natural, it does not cause redness or burning like a lot of manufactured acne treatments do. [2] Now I know what you might be thinking, “Why can’t I just use coconut oil on my face?”. Well, apparently most of the coconut oil‘s miracle healing properties can be directly attributed to the lauric acid within it. So in order to get the acne-fighting benefits, you would need to use the lauric acid on its own. [8] But where can you find just lauric acid without the other components of coconut oil? Breastmilk!
5. Breastmilk is extremely moisturizing.
If you try breastmilk as a face wash for one reason and one reason alone, do it to see how freaking soft it makes your skin feel. The reason for this is because of all the things I listed above. Breastmilk contains natural moisturizers. [1] It’s filled with so many vitamins, fats, and nutrients to hydrate your skin to the max! Most face washes contain alcohol, benzoyl peroxide, or other skin drying agents. You know when you wash your face with something and it feels like you got a facelift? I hate that feeling. Breastmilk doesn’t do that at all. It just makes my skin feel soft and moisturized.
6. Breastmilk is as all-natural as you can get.
Breastmilk is 100% au naturel. It is not manufactured or synthetically produced. It doesn’t contain toxic chemicals or other additives that most commercial face washes do. Because it’s not going to be sitting on a shelf, it is free of preservatives as well. I mean, come on it’s breastmilk. How much more natural can you get? There are, in fact, many natural things you can use as a face wash. Like honey or baking powder, all of which I have tried by the way. What’s great about breastmilk is that it’s pre-made. You don’t have to mix any products or come up with any concoctions. It’s naturally a pre-made perfect substance!
7. Breastmilk doesn’t cost a thing.
I cannot finish this post without pointing out one of my favorite benefits. It’s free! I challenge you to find a face wash of this quality for under 10 bucks let alone for free. It’s not possible. Face wash’s full of vitamins, all-natural, and with similar benefits come at a serious price. So you are basically getting a high-end, nutrient-rich, anti-aging, brown spot healing, essentially magical liquid completely free. And you have your baby and body to thank for that!

I cannot promise you that using breastmilk as face wash will work for you. I also understand this face wash belongs to an exclusive group of breastfeeding moms with babies still nursing; unless you’re willing to buy breast milk from a bank, which is totally an option if you feel comfortable with it! It takes out the free component, but it would still have so many benefits. I also realize someday I won’t be able to use my breastmilk as a face wash. A thought that makes me kinda sad. So I am going to enjoy it while it lasts! Still, there really is no denying that breastmilk is the best face wash. Did I convince you? Let me know what you think in the comments below!
If I wasn’t convinced before… I am now! But this just means you need to start giving me more milk so I can really try out your theory!
I would love to take advantage of the Free component while I can, just saying!
Great read and thanks for sharing 🙂
I’ll start pumping away! Thanks for reading. 🙂
Would you still be able to use breaskmilk if it’s bad? I produced an abundant supply. More than my daughter needed so I have frozen brestmilk that isn’t good for her to drink anymore and a few bottles that aren’t good as well.
Hi Kelly! To be honest, I’m not sure. To take a wild guess I would say no. Just because the reason the breastmilk is so powerful and healing it’s because it’s basically alive. If the milk is old, I would just assume its lost some if not all of it’s potency. I’m sorry I couldn’t be more helpful. Have a great day and thank you so much for reading the post! 🙂
WOW! thanks for sharing your insights about this discussion. It is great to be informed
This is wonderful! How do you actually use it as a wash? Do you soak a cloth in it and then wipe your face? Or just splash and rub with your hands? Cotton pad?
omg going to try it!I just had a baby almost 6 weeks ago and I am exclusively breastfeeding.
Makes me so sad that someone who had to deal with and touch semen to get pregnant (and just through being sexually active long before and after that) is disgusted by something like breastmilk, especially because I’m sure you’ve handled dairy products in your life before and likely give them to your children and that’s all milk! We shouldn’t disgusted by something so beautiful. We need to normalize it again. I was never around breastfeeding mothers, but having a BS in animal science I learned about it in depth and knowing what it is made of it isn’t gross at all to me (chicken eggs on the other hand I can never eat the same way again haha). I mean this in no condescending way, I am just amazed how many people are disgusted by breastmilk and it shows we have a long way to go with its normalization.
Hello, I came across this article and had to leave a comment. I’m a 40 year old mother of 4 teenagers, with the youngest being almost 18 year old twins. For some odd reason I still produce breast milk 18 years later (doctors have no explanation.) So obviously I have no need for my breast milk and at 40 years old, I’m fighting the signs of aging. After reading this article I tried my breast milk as a face wash 1 time and omg my skin is so soft and has a youthful glow!